Saturday, December 28, 2019

New Word - Gestalt

Gestalt -

  1. an organized whole that is perceived as more than the sum of its parts.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Sudoku Script Development Writing Tool

I came up with this idea that the process of my newer writing model is a little bit like that numbers game, Sudoku. The goal of sudoku is simple: fill in the numbers 1-9 exactly once in every row, column, and 3x3 region.

  • Sudoku rules are easy to learn.
  • Sudoku puzzles vary in difficulty from simple to devious.
  • Puzzles have a unique solution that can be arrived at using pure logic. No guessing is required.
  • Sudoku is not a math game, but is rather about identifying logical patterns.
  • Complex strategies must be utilized in order to solve the hardest puzzles. 

This is a typical sudoku puzzle as it is presented to the player.

A work in progress. The small numbers indicate "notes" made by the player.

The same puzzle, this time solved.

I present to you the Sudoku Script Development Writing Tool. (Something I designed myself :)
The idea is that if you can work out one section, it would provide clues to figure out the logical answer to another section. Although, the best strategy at the moment is the linear progression from left to right (e.g 1 - Concept, 2 - Protagonist's character arc and flaw, 3 - Villain's Backstory and Master Plan etc. through to 9 - Script Formatting).

I will explain each section (or square) in more comprehensive detail in future posts. Stay tuned!

Monday, December 23, 2019

Improve Your Writing by Expanding Your Vocabulary

I might start a new series of very short posts like this.

Today's word: ruffian
plural noun: ruffians
  1. a violent person, especially one involved in crime.
  2. Similar:
    bully boy
    bovver boy
    lager lout

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

A Different Screenwriting Model

As I said in another post, the day I discovered Robert McKee's book, Story, it changed my life, literally. It was day I truly understood what the craft of storytelling meant.

Image result for robert mckee 3 act structure

This is based on pretty much on the standard 3 Act Structure graph you find everywhere else. But McKee explains the principles of storytelling in way that I could easily understand and relate to the most.

Image result for robert mckee 3 act structure graph

Ever since I've sort of out grown Robert McKee's 3 Act Structure, I've been looking for something that is more geared towards the character side of things.

So I recently found a really interesting new story model here.

Carmichael and Shane - Tropfest Short Film

A classic but a very good one. A mockumentary about an ethical issue with an open-ended ending. Very funny as well.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Lazy Boy - Short Film

Wow, this short is very similar to a short script, The Magic Washing Machine, I recently wrote. The first half would have been identical if I went down the path of the protagonist buying the washing machine at a garage sale. But I opted out of that idea to reduce shooting locations.

You see, my ideas are up there, but Lazy Boy is far superior in the character and theme development department. My skills are simply not there yet.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Current Project List...

So... this is the current list of projects that I'm working on:

One Red Paperclip

The Last Ninjas and the Mutants of Chernobyl

Doctor Death



San Fernado Cartels

Five Lucky Winners


Rat City

Coupon for Two

Damaged Goods

Ghost Hunter

The Nigerian Prince

Simon Says

Hole at the Edge of the Universe.

The Delivery Man

Final Ten/Final moments
Pilot: Headless: Thursday Back

Leap Year Man

Magic Washing Machine

Money Tree

Cardboard House

Don't Stop

What's in the Bag?


The Man with a Deck of Cards

Future Mail

A Most Unusual Interview

The Wizard and the Knight

Sophie Grammar

Future Mail


Saturday, December 14, 2019

Skywatch - Proof of Concept Sci-fi Short

I really hope the drone delivery system at the beginning becomes a reality.

Trouble with Completing Scripts/Projects

I have had a lot of trouble finishing scripts and projects in the last few years. There's a few reason to this:

-getting distracted.
-putting to much pressure on my scripts to be at competition winning level before even finishing the first draft.

To elaborate, one of my goal was to win Script of the Month with a gold medal (1st place) over at Talentville. But I had put way too much pressure on myself to create the perfect first draft and this has lead me to abandoning two projects at about 90% completion of the first draft.

-realizing I'm not craft ready.

Through more reading more on the craft of screenwriting I realized that I don't really understand two major components: Character and Dialogue. These two were consistently my lowest scores in any review. Well, it's not that surprising since I put very little effort in developing them compared to the amount of work I spend on Plot and Structure.

While doing some more research in Character and Dialogue, I have come to my second paradigm shift in my understanding of the craft (the first being Robert McKee's Story). It has lead me to an entirely new writing model that will I explain more in a future post.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019


WOW! Seven years since my last post... Time sure do fly by. Unfortunately, my progress in writing has been somewhat arrested. I'm going to start posting more here to kick start some creative energy. Here's hoping to bigger and more productive 2020.