Saturday, December 14, 2019

Trouble with Completing Scripts/Projects

I have had a lot of trouble finishing scripts and projects in the last few years. There's a few reason to this:

-getting distracted.
-putting to much pressure on my scripts to be at competition winning level before even finishing the first draft.

To elaborate, one of my goal was to win Script of the Month with a gold medal (1st place) over at Talentville. But I had put way too much pressure on myself to create the perfect first draft and this has lead me to abandoning two projects at about 90% completion of the first draft.

-realizing I'm not craft ready.

Through more reading more on the craft of screenwriting I realized that I don't really understand two major components: Character and Dialogue. These two were consistently my lowest scores in any review. Well, it's not that surprising since I put very little effort in developing them compared to the amount of work I spend on Plot and Structure.

While doing some more research in Character and Dialogue, I have come to my second paradigm shift in my understanding of the craft (the first being Robert McKee's Story). It has lead me to an entirely new writing model that will I explain more in a future post.

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