I came up with this idea that the process of my newer writing model is a little bit like that numbers game, Sudoku. The goal of sudoku is simple: fill in the numbers 1-9 exactly once in every row, column, and 3x3 region.
- Sudoku rules are easy to learn.
- Sudoku puzzles vary in difficulty from simple to devious.
- Puzzles have a unique solution that can be arrived at using pure logic. No guessing is required.
- Sudoku is not a math game, but is rather about identifying logical patterns.
- Complex strategies must be utilized in order to solve the hardest puzzles.
This is a typical sudoku puzzle as it is presented to the player.
A work in progress. The small numbers indicate "notes" made by the player.
The same puzzle, this time solved.
I present to you the Sudoku Script Development Writing Tool. (Something I designed myself :)
The idea is that if you can work out one section, it would provide clues to figure out the logical answer to another section. Although, the best strategy at the moment is the linear progression from left to right (e.g 1 - Concept, 2 - Protagonist's character arc and flaw, 3 - Villain's Backstory and Master Plan etc. through to 9 - Script Formatting).
I will explain each section (or square) in more comprehensive detail in future posts. Stay tuned!
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